Environmental vacancies in the Bradford Area

Royds Community Association is a company with charitable status working in partnership with Bradford Vision.

Royds wish to recruit the following post:


Salary £16,515 full time (37 hours per week)

Subject to funding the post will continue to March 2006.

The person appointed will be required to work with the community to operate a programme of environmental projects to support the move towards sustainability within the new Royds area.

Candidates will need to have experience of environmental, conservation or community action for a period of two years, either paid or on a voluntary basis, and to be educated to NVQ level 3 or have proven ability to work at this level.

Candidates must be prepared to work unsocial hours on a regular basis.
Candidates must be at least 23 years of age to comply with insurance requirements.

For an application form and further details please contact

Diane Kenyon, Royds Community Association, 506 Huddersfield Road, Wyke, BRADFORD, BD12 8AD Tel 01274 414111

The closing date for applications is Monday 14 June at midday. Interviews will be held on 21 June.

Bradford Real Nappy Project Outreach Workers

2 Community Outreach Workers to work 7.25 hours each per week. Bradford Real Nappy Project is looking for confident, responsible, self-motivated people to promote the economic and environmental benefits of real (washable) nappies in low-income neighbourhoods across the Bradford District. One post requires use of Community languages; an exceptional candidate could fill both posts. The posts are funded for 21 months.

£16,515 pro rata, pay award pending.

The posts are funded through Bradford Vision.

For an application pack or further information: Contact BEAT on 01274 718 420 or e-mail: beat.admin@virgin.net

BEAT is an equal opportunities employer

Closing date for applications: 5th July 2004