Forest of Bradford
Forest of Bradford is an exciting initiative to increase woodland cover throughout the district in partnership with local communities, organisations, volunteers and businesses. The project was set up in 1998 with the aim of establishing a sustainable wooded landscape in both the rural and urban areas of the district
Over the last five years Forest of Bradford and its partners have planted over 150,000 broad-leaved trees at over 200 different sites in partnership with a wide cross-section of the community. In order to increase woodland cover in Bradford to something like the national average we need to plant another 450 hectares; equivalent to 800,000 trees. In addition to new planting, the project offers advice on existing woodland management and can help draw in grant aid for this management.

Forest of Bradford enjoys the support of many volunteers, whose contribution has led to the success of the project to date. We have established regular volunteer practical days with special needs groups, long term unemployed, youth groups, schools and colleges, other established environment groups and local businesses.

Business support has also been a key element in the development of the project. Team building days based around practical woodland management skills have been a regular part of the project's work. Businesses have also contributed to the work of Forest of Bradford through "pay as you earn "or "gift aid "schemes.

For further information contact:

Ian Butterfield
Tel. (01274) 718420